
Automate document processing using AI and Machine Learning

Protonmate Integrates with your ERP software, streamlines document processing and communications, reduces labor costs and saves time and money


Protonmate leverages OCR and Machine Learning technology to effortlessly scan and extract data to provide touchless document processing. Protonmate can process documents from multiple sources like paper, web or email.

Protonmate utilizes deep neural network based extraction of language-based objects and algorithms for prediction conflicts resolution for enhanced accuracy


Protonmate works by optimizing the workflow process in key areas where manual labor is causing teams to be inefficient. When Protonmate is used, teams are able to reduce costs, eliminate routine tasks, and provide better visibility and control over data. This helps companies streamline the process with greater efficiency, which translates to lower costs of processing and higher levels of productivity.

Seamless integration allows extracted information to be passed on for downstream consumption using RPA, workflow or APIs


With Protonmate, companies can scan, manage, approve and process their documents in the cloud.

Protonmate uses Natural language processing to reason over the inputs and supervised and unsupervised domain ontology to handle missing, unseen and ill-formed data.


Protonmate is offered as a cloud-based Solution and pays for itself in time and labor savings

  • No hidden charges or setup fees
  • No hardware or software required
  • Upgrades are free
  • Available as a subscription-based service or as a managed service


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