
Manufacturer Reporting Platform for Specialty Pharmacies

Protonrx Integrates with your Pharmacy software, Streamlines monitoring and communications, Reduces labor costs and Saves time and money

Software to Manage Reporting Complexity

Drug Manufacturers request reports in different formats making it difficult for Specialty Pharmacies to utilize any standard reporting and scheduling software. With ProtonRx, you can easily configure, schedule and monitor a report in the desired format and securely transmit to any FTP location. Eliminate the monotony of building multiple report schedules in multiple formats and notifications

Make work easier

Monitor all your manufacturer reporting from a single dashboard. Easy to identify which schedules failed and fix the errors. With ProtonRx, you only create the reports you need once. Complete audit trail is available for compliance and failure analysis

Flexible and Scalable

ProtonRx can generate outputs in multiple formats like CSV with any delimiter, excel, flat files, etc. It allows the flexibility to create custom filenames to match the requirements of the drug manufacturer. It is scalable to any number of reports and schedules


ProtonRx is offered as a cloud-based Solution and pays for itself in time and labor savings

  • No hidden charges or setup fees
  • No hardware or software required
  • Upgrades are free
  • Available as a subscription-based service or as a managed service


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